Saturday, August 22, 2020
Background Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Essays
Foundation Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Essays Foundation Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Foundation Of Computerization In Bangladesh Information Technology Essay Present day logical control has progressed rapidly in the station current period. It has been conceivable by the dints of registering machine. Utilization of processing machine started in Bangladesh in the sixtiess and accepted more extensive measurement in the 1890ss. Data Technology is today a notable undertaking. IT started to assume more prominent adequacy in this state from the focal point of the 1890ss. The principal processing machine in Bangladesh ( past East Pakistan ) was introduced at the nuclear vitality place, Dhaka of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission in 1964. It was an IBM Mainframe Computer of 1620 arrangement. The central use of the machine was choosing muddled scientific calculations in various research plant. In the 1960ss fast broadening of bank and protection each piece great as exchange and corporate greed including logical research at both spot and abroad expanded complex the volume of regular bookkeeping plants which required celerity in this occupation. In a considerable lot of the huge associations, care of accounts physically got about unthinkable. During this period a figure of enormous associations of the state set up beyond a reasonable doubt won Mainframe Computer. The so Habib Bank introduced IBM 1401 figuring machine while the United Bank utilized IBM 1901 in the late 1960ss. These registering machines having a place with the third coevals Mainframe type were primarily utilized for full bookkeeping plants of these Bankss. Prior to the independency, an IBM 360 processing machine was set up at the Bureau of Statistics in 1969. A Mainframe registering machine was other than introduced at Adamjee Jute Mills during a similar period. Prior to independency, incorporation of figuring machine equipment and bundle related classs over the span of investigation of Mathematics, Physics, Applied Physics and Electronics at college degree guidance started, however in a constrained way.After independency cybernations system in this state got ano ther fly. In this mode bangladesh office of insights, played an of import work. Enormous processing machines like IBM 370, IBM 9100 and IBM 4341 and so on were introduced in this association in stages since 1972. The improvement of cybernation technique in this association despite everything proceeds and distinctive ground-breaking processing machines and other fanatic present day IT hardware of resulting coevalss have since been introduced at that place. In September 1979 an IBM 370 and an IBM 4331 Mainframe Computer were presented at the bangladesh college of innovation and building ( BUET ) and BUET Computer Center was other than built up. This Computer Center has been playing a spearheading capacity in leaving processing machine guidance in Bangladesh and flowing figuring machine building in the state. nuclear vitality examine ESTABLISHMENT ( AERE ) at Savar introduced an IBM 4341 Mainframe Computer in 1981. The Dhaka University Computer Center started its excursion with an IBM 4331 Mainframe Computer in 1985. The advancement of chip by the Intel Corporation of the United States in 1971 realized an insurgency in the structure and ability of figuring machine. Chip based processing machines began to glance in the business sectors. PC or Personal PC improved by the IBM ( International Business Machines ) organization hit the market in 1981. Later on high-octane chip started to develop in a steady progression on board amazing Personal PCs. The IBM did non keep up any restrictive statute about creating IBM perfect figuring machines from the truly get bringing down. This realized radical modifications in their money related qualities and their usages other than duplicated. On the different manus Apple Computer Incorporate other than discharged in the market Apple-Macintosh registering machine advanced by them. However, the Apple did non follow any expansive approach in doing their good figuring machine and in this manner the money related estimation of Macintosh registering machine remained truly elevated that blocked it from achieving anticipated prominence. By the by, because of some specific viable benefits Apple-Macintosh were generally utilized unconventionally in distributing enterprises. PCs turned out to be simple accessible because of its simple use and deal rate in fiscal worth. As an outcome, use of Personal PCs began to increment in Bangladesh predominantly since the last segment of the 1880ss, especially in guidance and concern concerns. Notwithstanding, more extensive use of processing machine in Bangladesh quickened from the ninetiess. Development of Bangla bundle Bangla creation in figuring machine was first emerged in 1987 and an applied researcher viz. Mainul Islam merited the case of this achievement. He figured out how to make Bangla in Apple-Macintosh registering machine using his self-advanced wellspring Mainulipi . In this pursuit the traditional English console was utilized without using any different console for Bangla. The distinction in type and signifier of Bangla and English letters in order and the employments partner to Bangla conjunct letters were fathomed using the upside of four bed console of Macintosh. Two more Bangla wellspring, viz. Shahidlipi and Jabbarlipi were developed in a split second after Mainulipi. Following twelvemonth, Internet Explorer in 1988 the main Interface Bijoy utilitarian in Apple-Macintosh registering machine was worked under the securities of a non-government organization Anando Computers . The format of the main Bangla console was other than made during this clasp. Among the underlying consoles, Bijoy and Munir are meriting adverting. In the Interface procedure, the Bangla console is connected with the Operating System ( OS ) of the registering machine and Bangla is recorded in the figuring machine by triping this console and picking a Bangla wellspring. Bijoy, being a Macintosh based interface and the financial estimation of Apple-Macintosh registering machine being exorbitantly high, figure of its clients was restricted. Its utilization was basically restricted to printing and distributions. Following the use of Bangla in registering machine, capacity of processing machine in workplaces and distributing ventures in Dhaka immediately expected an extraordinary measurement. Exportable bundle advancement in Bangladesh initiated in 1995 while exportable interactive media framework improvement started in 1997 Utilization of Internet and email Though the use of Internet overall spread rapidly in 1990, Bangladesh joined the fleeting trend a lot later. Utilization of Internet in the state began in 1995 for the main clasp in a restricted way through disconnected electronic mail. VSAT ( Very Small Aperture Terminal ) was premier set up in 1996 for Internet aim. Online Internet association began mushrooming through an Internet Service Provider ( ISP ) by the name ISN. At present there are more than 50 ISPs in the state ; of these solitary BTTB ( Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board ) is specialists claimed. The greater part of the ISPs are Dhaka based. Anyway on-line Internet establishments are currently other than accessible outside Dhaka in metropoliss like Chittagong, Sylhet, Khulna, Rajshahi, Bogra and Cox s Bazar. Utilizations and Applications of Computer: In Bangladesh today processing machine is being utilized in look into and instructive foundations, specialists and private associations, concern concerns including bank and protection, enterprises, Millss and factories, military installings and so on. Among the specialists workplaces, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics is the biggest client of processing machines. The Statistical Bureau at present uses figuring machine at each phase of sparing, handling and breaking down of informations gathered from arranged investigations including readiness of database.In financial foundations including Bankss, unconventionally in private Bankss, care of database and augmentation of grouped administrations are dynamically securing processing machine based. Computerization is other than a tiny bit at a time under way in specialists Bankss. Outside Bankss played a spearheading capacity in introducing mechanized monetary minutess in Bangladesh. By using registering machine building, these Bankss are hav ing the option to give better administrations to their customers by set uping joins with between branch, between bank each piece great as between mainland Bankss. The majority of the neighborhood private Bankss are following this today. Some nearby and outside Bankss independently or together have been running Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) web by using processing machine designing. ATM card gadget is quick disseminating in the state s boss metropoliss. Charge card has other than gotten well known everywhere throughout the state since root in 1999. At present, organizations like VISA, Master Card and VANIK are covering with this processing machine based Credit Card Service which is a protected and simple gadget of monetary minutess. Late a figure of remote Bankss have presented Electronic Fund Transfer Service. Microchip introduced Smart Cards are other than going well known in the state a tiny bit at a time. This gadget has been end up being extremely utile extraordinarily in dis counting of proportions of arranged administrations situated associations and organizations. Different building based areas and authorities of the Bangladesh Government viz SPARRSO ( Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization ) , Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Survey of Bangladesh, Water Resources Planning Organization ( WARPO ) , Geological Survey of Bangladesh, and so forth are using figuring machine in readiness of their database and capacity. In unconventional, by using GIS ( Geographic Information Systems ) bundle, pulling of grouped sorts of proficient maps at shorter clasp is being conceivable. Bangladesh Meteor
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